% "Do you usually wear lipstick?" The#sullen faced man asked the girl who"was swinging on an old tree branch!that looked as if it was about to%snap. The girl nodded and put her two dainty feet on the grass to stop$herself swinging. Her left shoe flew$off into the bushes and exposed five!pink little toes on the end of an
angelic little foot.$ "Shit!" The girl said, hitching up%her skirt and exposing her thin, pale"thighs. "thats the third one since$Tuesday." she exclaimed angrily. The%mans face lit up, as a fresh new idea%came into his head. With a nonchalent$grin, he sauntered over to where the%girl was sat sniffing on the cold wet grass. He tapped her on the left%shoulder and as she turned, he kicked%her full in the side of the face with!a cruel blow. She didn'tretaliate#immediately. Instead, she stood up,#sensing the danger in thesituation,$and she began to unbutton her frilly
dress at the back.
"No, my girl," the man said,#frantically looking for his camera.#"The coats have been stolen." A new$sense of fear was beginning to dwell
in his bosom. The girl stopped#undressing as she got to the fourth%button down, and she brushed her cold!hands up and down the side of her%legs, as her dress began to fall down on one side and expose her right#shoulder. The man, by this time was"trying to calm the whole situation$down by scratching his left elbow to!a slow and deliberate rhythm. The$girl seemed undaunted, as she walked$towards the man, who could have been!ten years her senior. The man sat#down abruptly on the top of a small$brick wall that marked the border of!the herb garden. The girl, seeing%this move was given the chance to end#it for once and for all. She pulled#out a huge Bengal tiger from inside"her knickers, and shot him several%times with an imaginary water pistol.
The Bengal tiger ran to his old#master and he smiled his last smile#as he ate the terrified old man who#had given the girl so much trouble." "Now where the fuck is my shoe?" she said, looking around for the!piece of footwear that had eluded%her. She soon found it behind a piece#of rubber tyre, and she put it back%on, and swang on the old branch again until the next of the freemasons